
A visit!

I will take my mother to visit my father's graveside tomorrow. My fear is that I will not be able to find it. My dad passed away 15 years ago and sadly I have not been by to "visit" in over 10 years.
Reflecting on this, Tony and I question the validity of being buried in a box, in a graveside, with a tombstone.....for whom? I don't want to burden my children or give them the "Catholic guilt" for not visiting. Yet I don't want them to have the ashes on their mantle.....so what to do? Ashes, sounding more reasonable....scattered throughout our favorite places....under the mesquite, Bob Hall pier.....something to think about, I guess. Certainly before something really needs to be done....just don't let me sit on your mantle for a long time and certainly don't argue over what to do with me!! :)


Rainy days in Portland

It would seem that rainy days were meant to just curl up on the sofa, wrapped in a soft blanket, a cup of tea and a good book....but you aren't in the midst of a two and a four year old!!! So much energy....as the saying goes...."if only we could bottle it up".
Went to church, praised God for such energy and prayed that I would have enough of it to continue enjoying and embracing it as the grandchildren continue to grow around me.

Such fun!!