
2014 Summer begins

Even though today is the first official day of summer ours began earlier this month with an anniversary week at the condo. Fishing and enjoying each others company was on the list. We had a visit from John & Della Moore--shared some laughs, good wine and shrimp dinner! The following weekend started on Saturday as we celebrated my sister, Mary's "retirement" and new venture with their Rose Garden. Esther came in to town as well. Sunday, we were off to meet the WoodPile at the ranch for a week of activity in bringing down the "Gas House" in order to build the outdoor kitchen that Tony's so badly wants. We worked and played hard, drank gallons of water, a few beers and some gaterade. We also had plenty to eat---no one went hungry! We watched Spurs playoff games, cheered and yelled. Rita and her girls joined us on Wednesday and they pulled their weight in getting things done as well. and on top of that Sophia lost a tooth! Tooth fairy had to locate her at Tu y Yo! Gina, Greg, Rebecca and Anthony left the ranch early Friday morning and the rest of us stayed back to finish the project by burning the rest of the wood and putting things back where they belonged
Rita and the girls left early Saturday morning, Tony, Jonathan, Daniel and I came back to SA later that day. We crashed and burned! We were VERY tired. Not even the World Cup or the pool kept anyone awake!
Sunday was a day to go to church, go to Los Barrios, come home to do laundry and get ready for our next adventure----fishing at the coast! We left Monday afternoon --- arrived to a very windy coast with whitecaps on the bay. The boat did not come out of the garage until Tuesday---boys were happy, happy! Daniel caught the record for the week with the rest of us catching small perch, mullets and hardheads. We saw dolphins swimming right by our boat--this was exciting. It was a good week---we went down to the beach twice. The water was warm and inviting. We walked on the jetties and watched turtles swim close by. The boys had a good time. We taught them to play Hearts as we watched old StarWars videos. All in all it was great.


It's been a while---

It's been over a year---two MAJOR changes in my life--- 1) I lost and found my mother and realized that even though I've found her, I've also lost her---This disease called Alzheimer's is something that I cannot control, doctors cannot cure, nurses are compassionate (if you find the right ones) and you shield your heart every time you visit. Today is my birthday and I received a beautiful wakeup call from my friend RoseMary. She sang "Las Mananitas" and it was recorded....I took that to see mom and played it for her. She broke out into a big smile and started to mouth the words to the song.....what a wonderful blessing twice over. Once from RoseMary and then from Mom. "The mind forgets but the heart remembers". Best birthday gift!!!
2) I've lost my friend, Terri---feelings of guilt, loss, loneliness and fear all have been part of my grieving process! It's been a year and a half---the guilt of not calling her often enough, not counseling her to take care of herself, not visiting more have dissipated a bit. The loss will always be there. Loneliness---because we shared so much, will always be part of losing a dear, dear friend and not having someone who really "got you" to share stuff with---I was blessed to have her as a friend and I miss her terribly. Fear--- comes with age and your own mortality. Know your God and knowing that He said "do not be Afraid" is probably all I must remember and taking stock of who I am in His name. Plus being the best that I can be in all that I do. Fear? It creeps up every once in a while. I do miss her! Today is my birthday and she always took time to share a cup of coffee with me on this day! Thanks, Terri!
Our summer begins this weekend---we are so looking forward to it! We will get to see all of the grandkids--not all together but spend quality time with each one of them and we are thrilled. Bring it on!!