
Something to think about.....

Today I wondered why I bought and collected some of the things I have. I hope as you, my children, are dividing these things you speak kindly of how these items were used or displayed. If you haven't seen some of these things lately it's probably because they are hidden in some remote place.....but I am vowing that they will be unpacked and used....all those table cloths and napkins from Panama, the Chinese plates will be brought out again, the teapots will be used (please ask for your favorite teapot next time you're home....I want you to enjoy using it, I want to see the joy in your face when you select it and take it home as a memory of something your mom or great-grandma used and enjoyed).

Why am I thinking about this??? I have helped Mary pack up her mother-in-law's, Margaret's things, to be sorted, given away or stored.....some of these items were so encrusted with oily dust that if you didn't dig or wash you missed the beauty it held. Some were never used, some still in their original package, some weren't used and enjoyed with family around so the item holds little joy when the item is picked up and looked at. There is no caressing it with love and care and a story to be told of the time it was once used. I found this sad for Margaret, for the family.

Selfishly I want all, if not most, of my things to have special meaning to you.....because for some reason they hold special meaning to me....I find joy in them.....I want you to find joy in my things too. Tell a story about them....the thrill of the hunt for them, the way they displayed cookies, cakes, dips, foods, set the table, whatever.....just find something special about them.....maybe I'll take pictures and write a story of each?????? what do you think????? Selfish,..... silly,.... sad,......I know. There is a story with each, all I need to do is write it down. Granted there are some things I have that were needlessly bought or acquired.........I'll try to get rid of those before you are given that duty.

I brought home one of Margaret's teapots, a white one, with it's matching coffee pot.....I hope she used it, I want to think she enjoyed her favorite hot tea from it while she sat in the family room quilting.........a memory I'll create and keep.

Anyway, I felt I needed to tell you this......a little bit of mortality whispering in my ear!

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