
An Adventure

The problem with being 63 and 62 is that you don't feel 63 or 62 you feel 43 and 42....at least until after you've done something that then your body says......."hey, remember you're 62/63!".....We went on a great adventure yesterday, seeking the driftwood we saw on the beach after church. We came back loaded with tools, a shade, water, a couple of beers and chairs! The thought of doing something this crazy was good for us, we were on the same page, we laughed and we asked ourselves.....What the hell are we doing this for?????? It was crazy!! BUT, we did it. We cut through 30" circumference driftwood...beautiful with short roots exposed.....only about a third of it exposed when we approached it. We had no idea what we were in for. We dug around it until we found where we felt we could cut.
Working together we cut, dug, cut, dug, cleared all around it until we thought we could break it lose by jumping on it. Then when it finally broke.....we thought now how do we load it up....it was a heavy piece of wood. I said "God surely will send some angels to help!"......sure enough up drives a young man, with wife and a baby in the back. He asked if he could help....I said, "See....an angel!" He gets down and his t-shirt reads "Hell Raiser"....ok I'll take him ...he was young and strong! The driftwood went into the truck and we loaded everything else up and left....Now the real test is getting it down and placed where we wanted. WE did it!!! Love the art work in our small garden area of the condo "Little Joy"

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