
Research and Visit

              I made up my mind not to remain in the side lines and be bullied into thinking that I cannot visit my mom.  So the research began when I called the Dispute Resolutions Center on Monday, July 30, 2012 and spoke to Josie.  She gave me advice to document everything that has been going on with the lack of communication with  my brother concerning mom.  She also gave me numbers to call and websites to visit concerning rights of elder care and lawyers specializing in elder care.  I hate that it has come to this!  I also called AT&T requesting my texts' conversations (if you call them that) be printed with dates, names and times.  They said that would not be possible but that I should email them to myself and document the times/dates and who they were from.  So my documentation began several months ago with this blog.....since no one but me reads it, I figured it would be okay....I also emailed all the texts and put them into a word document with names, dates, times, etc.  Next I checked into the difference between Power of Attorney and a Guardianship, how each is obtained and the differences in  powers and usage.  Next I checked into Sibling Rights of an Adult Guardianship--Legal Agreements and Visitation Rights.  All very informative!!
              I attended a funeral service this morning for one of my new "friends".....Dora Rodriguez....member of my once a month breakfast club I joined at Aunt Jo's invitation two years ago.  I have grown very fond of the ladies that attend even though they are 20 years my senior  They are what I would love to become  as I grow older!   At her Funeral Mass I heard once again Psalm 23 song lyrics that I heard on Sunday, July 22

Shepherd me, O God beyond my wants,
beyond my fears, from death into life.

God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want,
I rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love,
I walk by the quiet waters of peace.

Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul,
You lead me by pathways of righteousness and truth,
my spirit shall sing the music of your Name.

You have set me a banquet of love
in the face of hatred,
crowning me with love beyond my pow’r to hold.

Surely your kindness and mercy follow me
all the days of my life;
I will dwell in the house of my God forevermore.

Shepherd me, O God beyond my wants,
beyond my fears, from death into life.

AND so with renewed awareness of what needed to be done, (after the funeral) I picked up my sister and we went to visit mom at the Rehab Center where we aren't supposed  to know that she is.  We wanted to talk to the Social Services counselor, Jack, but he wouldn't even address any questions concerning mom.  We emphatically insisted that we talk to an administrator and so he led us to her office.  With bold courage we stated our wants and needs to Mrs. Betty Renker, LNFA.  She insisted that she could not discuss any matters concerning mom with us and we had to take it up with our brother.  I asked if his power of attorney covered the authorization to keep us from visiting mom.  She shrugged and told us to discuss it with him.  I asked her if she had even read the document and she said "No".   So I asked for a copy so I could read it or if she would please read it to check on the verbage of the document preventing us from visiting.  She came back and said there was nothing in the document that prevented us from seeing her.  With that we asked that she not tell Michael that we had been there, but unfortunately the phone call had already been made.  My temper ALMOST got the best of me but I held me tongue and kept my cool.  I told her that we had not even approached mom yet we had just asked to visit with her, the administrator.  I do believe she regretted the phone call and saw that we were not there to cause trouble or bring her into any "family issues".  We simply were there to see/visit with mom.  Unfortunately she will tell Michael and it will be "placed on record" that we were there.  BUT with the awareness that there is nothing in the documents that prove that he has authority to keep us from mom, she said we could come anytime.  BUT for how long before he removes her again from their care.   

           We had a  lovely visit with mom......she broke down and cried when she saw us and then recouped.  We talked and laughed.....I showed her pictures of Anthony and Julian (she hadn't seen her two newest great grandsons). We talked about Sarah moving back to SA and then after 20 minutes the visit had to end.  We told her we had to leave and she said she could not cry because Michael would be mad and get upset.  I told her not to be upset and that we would come back to see her.  The nurses saw her in a good mood which is a help to us since one of the excuses he uses is that we upset her whenever we see her. 
      It was a good visit and I'm glad we had the boldness of Christ surrounding us.

Ps 138:3  When I cried to You, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.

Pro 3:26 The Lord will be your (strong) confidence and will not allow your foot to be caught.

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