
So much for resolutions!!

Last day in January and you'd think that I would have kept more of my resolution than I did!! Oh well!! I have tried....six times in one month IS a record.

We had the Rossini children on the only rainy weekend in January....hoping we could go to the coast or the ranch, we could do neither.....played Wii, colored, played with little people, Legos, watched "How to Train Your Dragon"......learned a lot about each other. :)

Yesterday we celebrated Tony's birthday....we had a houseFULL. I was most impressed with the fact that my uncles came in from Brownsville for this....all it took was an invite. Tia Rosie was already in SA, nevertheless, they made it a point to come celebrate with us....this meant a lot. Mary and Billy brought mom, she was delightful when she arrived (except she didn't recognize me) but as the afternoon progressed she remembered that Michael wasn't here to enjoy the company of the tios and tias. She ended up crying most of the afternoon and telling everyone that her children did not love each other..... FYI Michael & family was invited .... he chose not to come! Sad that she didn't mention Esther or Manuel!!!??? As the weeks go by we recognize that she is becoming more frail and forgetful....her illness is progressing more rapidly than we would like.

On a lighter note....Mary and I have scrapped several times this month. I helped her finish Margaret's card book and began Mort's....maybe this isn't such a lighter note. But the thoughts and prayers that were put into that scrapbook were beautiful and what a tribute to two very beautiful people.

We've had a day and a couple of evenings together to "play" with the computer learning new techniques and experimenting with different ways to showcase our photos. This has been fun.

On the left is a rubber stamped photo of Carlos on paper that I used and removed most of the color.....all experimental but I liked the look! Above, I used the photo to create the "paper" as a background....a plaid.

The bluebonnet picture above is white on white...fun to do.

I can't wait to share ideas with my girls!!!

Other things that have kept me busy...sewing! Skirts, jumpers, pj's, and aprons (for a friend's daughter's birthday party)......loving it! I also took a serger class last Friday....lots of things my serger can do and consequently I hope to be able to do more. We'll see what fun fabrics I can find in my stash or on sale. :)

Okay, tomorrow is the beginning of the second month of 2011 and hopefully I'll do a better job of keeping my resolutions....one should only hope and TRY!!!

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